Hey guys,
We'll be meeting at the Church for FNF this week.
We will be going over our program for the Church service.
So please be there!
We'll eat at 6:30
and We'll start at 7:30.
We'll have Haystacks.
Dinner will be simple. =)
We are going to have sandwiches again.
I need someone to bring:
1 loaf of bread
jar of PB
jar of Jelly
2 tomatoes
2 cucumbers
2 avocadoes
(Karah, can you send the utensils, plates, juice, etc with Tre? Thanks)
Thanks guys and see you soon!!!
FNF-Church service preparation
Sabbath Reminder
Sabbath at Birmingham First is FNF group. Hope all of you can make it! It won't be the same without you!
Here's the bulletin info as a reminder to those of you who have comitted to doing something.
Theme: "We are the Light of the World . . . "
By Friday Night FeastExaltation begins at 10:45
Opening song We are His Hands
Opening prayer: Jeff Nyagami
Welcome/announcements: Chichi Chilomo
Children's story: Karah Thompson
Sabbath in Kenya/
offering for World Mission: Symon Gitari
Offertory Sarah & Grace Shim
Moments of Prayer: Rebecca Mack
Scripture Reading Treson Thompson
Presentation Sarah Shim
Special music: Karugia Ladies
Sermonette: Tre Thompson
Closing "So Send I You" #578
Looking forward to seeing you all there! Yipee!
Prayer Request: Miguel's mother in law just had surgery for a tumor, and they have requested prayer for their family and the stress of everything. Thanks so much! We all know that connecting to God's power really does work, so keep their family in your daily prayers!
Nature Dwellers
For those of you who couldn't make it, you missed a really amazing trip, and we missed you too! Cheaha State Park was beautiful all weekend. Perfect weather (except for that hour of pouring rain we got on Friday), incredible food (like the fabulous spread of Kenyan food the guys brought Friday evening), amazing conversations and storytelling (Saturday night was most memorable when Enoch led out in a group storytelling effort, and we played Mafia), beautiful memories and a priceless weekend we all want to remember forever. Camping is always an experience, but this one was exceptional when people from so many parts of the world, so many cultures and backgrounds could all share being together in God's gorgeous creation, having so much fun!
Here's some pics (ChiChi I need yours too!) from the weekend:
Scroll over the picture to see the caption.
We missed you all who couldn't make it but now you know, don't miss it next time! :)
Looking forward to church service at Birmingham First next week. Hope everyone can be there!
Leave a comment about what your favorite part of the weekend was! Read More......
Directions to Camp
It's finally here! We gonna be sleeping under the stars tomorrow night!
If you're wanting to find out what to pack, you can check the webcam and current weather conditions.
For directions from Birmingham just Mapquest or Google Map it.
From Birmingham or Atlanta areas - From Interstate-20. Take exit # 191. Turn South on U.S. Highway 431 for approximately four miles, then turn on the access road to get to Highway 281 South to the Park (Watch for the Cheaha Resort State Park Signs).
As you get closer to the park, look for signs to the Lake and Campground #3 area. Turn left there and take the first road left. We will probably be here. If not, just ask where Primitive or Semi-primitive camping areas are and look for our cars!
We will be leaving as early as possible (around noon or 1pm) but we need people to help bring some stuff as it won't all fit in our car. Just give me a call if you can take a tent or a cooler!
Looking forward to hanging out! Sarah has some ideas for Saturday night games! That crazy girl!
Food on the Fire
OK, the general plan for the food this weekend is:
Friday Night Supper - Symon & Jeff will cook for everyone.
Sabbath Morning - Pancakes, eggs, tofu, potatoes, OJ, fruit (camping breakfast is a big deal, so it'll be good!)
Sabbath Lunch - everyone bring whatever they would like (PB & J, sandwiches, chips, drinks, fruit, snack mix, etc) just bring enough to make yourself a lunch. We will probably be out hiking or swimming so whatever sounds good to eat!
Sabbath Dinner - Camp stew (carrots, potatoes, onions, veggie meat, spices,) cooked in the fire, Juice, Smores, Caramelized Apples (cooked in the fire)
Sunday Breakfast - Pancakes, eggs, OJ, fruit, whatever is left!
Sunday Lunch - leftovers or whatever you want for hanging out or hiking again.
I'll get everything for all the listed meals and we'll just divide up the cost. Symon & Jeff shouldn't have to pay since they are providing a meal for everyone.
Does anyone have any other suggestions for meals instead of what is listed? Just leave a comment and let me know. I'm totally open! I won't get groceries until Friday morning!
If anyone is in the market to buy a tent, now would be the time!!! I'm getting a little worried about the tent situation/ :(
Cheaha Camping Trip
Looking forward to seeing everyone at Cheaha State Park May 23,24! Even if you can't come to camp, come on out for Sabbath to hang out, hike, swim and relax together. In keeping with tradition, we will also feast. Camping food is always delicious, so plan on eating well!


Hoover Feast
Feasting will be at Birmingham First Church in Hoover this week.
Here's the plan: Sarah is going to run through our church service for May 31st so we get a better idea of who's involved and what we want to convey.
We'll also have singing and praising!!!, and share our favorite scriptures and why they are our favorites.
Everyone welcome! Come'on this one will be easy!
Yummy, soft delish' Sandwich bread will be provided.
Everyone bring Fixins;
PB & J
anything you like to eat on a sandwich . . .
Bring a friend, bring a Bible, and we'll see you there at 6:30pm!!!
(Park on the side where you see cars)
3520 Lorna Rd
Hoover, AL
Map here:
Ordinary Attempts
Ya'll missed out! Waffles, eggs, tater tots and OJ were on the plate and we ate by candlelight on the back deck. Kellie joined us from UAB dental school, and since this girl knows everyone, we'll have some more join us soon!
Discussion revolved around our call to be disciples of Jesus and what that means in a practical sense each and every day. It was recommended that everyone check out Doable Evangelism to read some really touching stories about people reaching out in the name of Jesus to share His love in common and uncommon circumstances.
So . . . even though you missed the Feast, you still have an assignment to complete!
Click on the link above, read a few short posts about Ordinary Attempts at sharing Christ, and go out and DO IT! Pray that God will lead you into a scenario where you can get out of your comfort zone and do something you wouldn't normally do. Nothing fancy. Just reach out and connect with someone in a real way!
Report back next week at Joseph's! Chocolate will be served to the people who have a story to tell!
See ya soon for another Feast-ola!