This song was sung at church last week and in case you didn't hear it, I wanted to share it with you for Christmas.
No matter how simple or elaborate your holiday celebrations may be, please remember that Jesus coming as a helpless babe and dying for our sins is the reason we celebrate at all.
Blessings to each of you today and every day. Thank you so much for being a part of my family and for bringing so much joy to our family this past year. We love you all!
The Thompson Family
(if anyone else has holiday wishes or photos to post, just email them to me and I'll be happy to do it!)
Merry Christmas
December 18 Feast
hosted by Toyin
* to enter the building, go to the second gate (the one closest to Richard Arrington) on 4th ave south and look up my name (Toyin Ogunrinu)
Feasting begins at 7 pm...
**This is our last FNF for the year so everyone please bring your favorite holiday dessert.**
Note from Toyin:* someone please bring non dairy ice cream (i.e., soy or Rice dream ice cream)*
And as always, bring a notebook and Bible for Tancia's study.
See you there!!
Labels: December 11th Feast
Friday Night City Wide Communion
Ephesus SDA Church is hosting!
There is a City-wide Communion Service tomorrow night – all churches in the area have been invited to participate. It’s at 7pm on December 4, 2009.
Birmingham Ephesus
Seventh-day Adventist Church
105 6th Avenue, North
Birmingham, AL 35201
Take 6 Concert!
Take 6 is coming to town and you will be forgiven for not coming to FNF if you happen to be at the concert this Friday evening. :)
Celebrate the holidays with two of Alabama's favorite musical ensembles – influential, Grammy-winning a cappella group Take 6 and the Alabama Symphony Orchestra. Enjoy timeless Christmas classics and moving spirituals performed in a style that will make them feel as fresh as if they were written yesterday.
Here is the info you will need to purchase tickets in advance. Read More......
Labels: Places to Go
No Friday Night Feast
FNF will be canceled this week. Please find someone you love and tell them how much you care about them and bask in the blessing of Christ's saving grace for each one. Even through trials, loss, changes, turmoil, and stress, God is still so GOOD.
For those who are here in town:
Meet at Birmingham 1st Church at 9:30am to do praise and exaltation
#565 For the beauty of the earth
#560 Let all things now living
#27 Rejoice ye pure in heart
#422 Marching to Zion
Sing Our Praise
November 20th Feast
Feasting this Friday at Tancy's!
Birthday Parteee!
Labels: Places to Go
November 13th Feast
November 14th Sabbath Celebration!
For those of you who would like to attend the celebration service on Sabbath here is the info. Everyone welcome!
2019 4th Ave N
Birmingham , AL
Free time for fellowship ad visiting from 10:30 A.M, and 11:00 A.M.
Main service will begin at 11:00 A.M. with Elder Gordon Retzer speaker.
A lunch provided by the Gulf States Conference
Sacred concert will be at 2:30 P.M. by the music department of Bass Memorial Academy
Labels: Places to Go
November 6th Feast
October 30 Feast

It's officially fall and that means SOUP TIME! You're invited to the Thompson's to enjoy several kinds of soup to warm you up!
7 pm
Feeding the Hungry
Labels: Places to Go
October 23rd FNF
This week Samantha will be hosting us at her place! Please bring drinks or a dessert to share!
See ya soon!
October 16 FNF
So, we could use some $. There are so many ideas floating around, and so many things we could do with the $ for Friday Night Feast!
A few weeks back BJ suggested doing a meal at UAB and serving people and telling them about FNF. But to do that we need $!
Here's the idea:
- everyone cook a specialty food from their home country (come on, we all have something!)
- we all bring it to Birmingham 1st Church on October 25 at 9:30am
- we sell our goods and all the proceeds go to FNF
- we use the $$ we earned to host future outreach events!
If you read this, please reply! If no one responds, then we know that it won't work. If you're in, leave a comment about what you can bring!!!! Read More......
Labels: Places to Go
Allen would like FNF to help out with Exaltation on October 24th. Please mark your calendars and plan on coming up with some praise and hymns to sing. Leave a comment if you have a request! We will try to find a host who has a piano, but if you are a pianist, MAKE YOURSELF KNOWN! :)
We are feeding the First Light ladies on October 31. Hope you are thinking of an appropriate costume to wear so we can have fun. (Gatu will be Usher!) We will have clown there to face paint the ladies and maybe do some singing for them! Hope we can have a big group!
Fundraiser!!! If you would like to help boost the funds of Friday Night Feast for more outreach, activities, trips & fellowship, please read this post! Read More......
Labels: Places to Go
Friday Night Feast October 8
Angela will be hosting FNF at her home this week. Please try to carpool as parking is limited!
Blitzing Through Birmingham
Sarah's goodbye party was a HUGE success and 3 different teams of scavengers were able to race around historic places in Birmingham. The final champions are yet to be decided . . .
Tancia uploaded millions of photos so check HERE and see who should win!
For those of you who couldn't make it WE MISSED YOU!!!
Labels: Good Times
GYC Reminder
GYC will be in Louisville, KY on December 30, 2009-January 3, 20010. Please plan on attending! Registration for this conference will open in late summer 2009. Please check for more information!
Labels: Places to Go
Saturday Night Hint #4
You will most assuredly want to bring your . . .. . . if you don't, you'll regret it forever! Promise!
Hope so!
Saturday Night Hint #3
Dress up . . . (that means look nice! It might not make sense right now, but if you do it, you'll understand!)
Ladies . . . now is your chance to wear something you might not get to wear very often!Guys . . . if the ladies look like this . . . please make sure you look nice enough to hang out with them! :)
October 2 FNF
Toyin is hosting this week! We will be continuing our study of the Sermon on the Mount with Tancia, so bring your Bibles and a notebook!
If people can bring fruit (strawberries, grapes etc) and Juice, that would be helpful. Read More......
Saturday Night Hint #1
There's a strong chance that you should bring this . . . or this . . .
for our Saturday night activity!
Don't forget!!!
Clear your Schedules!!!
This next Sabbath night will be Sarah's last night with us in Birmingham. Please join us for . . .
Here are a few of Tancia's photos from the weekend of blessing. This Sabbath was special because we were able to sing at the beautiful home of some new friends, lead exaltation at Birmingham 1st Church, and finish off the Sabbath by cooking a meal for the ladies at First Light shelter. No better way to spend the Sabbath hours . . .
Exaltation & FNF!
This week is another Praise Night! We will be singing for Exaltation at Birmingham 1st Church on Sabbath (and available to sing at other churches soon!) so come with your voice, instrument and song requests!
The Choi family will graciously be hosting us so please be on time so we don't stay too late!
If possible, please carpool with someone to reduce the amount of cars to park.
6:30pm !!
301 Yorkshire Dr.
Homewood, AL 35209
September 18 @ Birmingham 1st

Please join us for Friday Night Feast at Birmingham 1st SDA Church. We will meet in the youth room at the downstairs entrance at 7:00pm. Dinner provided by Javier & Aquila!
If you are able, please bring drinks or a simple dessert to contribute to the meal!
Hoover, AL
Sept 12 FNF
September 4 FNF
This week Beverly & Allen will host FNF at their home. BJ will lead out the study.
They will be having yummy pizza but need help with dessert, drinks and salads. Please bring something to contribute so Beverly can get some rest for those babies! Thanks!
Come for an evening of fellowship and worship. Happy Fall! Read More......
August 28 FNF
School is officially IN, and we hope to have plenty of new friends join us this semester! Come join us for PRAISE night this week! We'll have a short devotional and then come with your praises to give Glory to God and fellowship together. Plan on plenty of music too!
If you haven't hosted in awhile (you know who you are) please help out by bringing something to share with everyone:
- soda
- juice
- vanilla ice cream
- fresh fruit
The Thompsons will be hosting. See you Friday night at 6:30. Study will start at 8PM.
If you come late, there's no guarantees on whether you'll get dessert . . .

Botanical Gardens on Sabbath
Thanks Tancia for showcasing your amazing photography skills with that fancy camera of yours! :) Read More......
Labels: Good Times
Friday Night Feast - August 21!
Friday Night Feast will be hosted by Sarah this week and led out by Allen.
Be ready to leave your stresses of the week behind and be refreshed feasting in fellowship as we welcome the Sabbath together!
Now that school has finally started for everyone, it would be wonderful to see every member of Friday Night Feast! (yes, all of you who have not been here in a while. Remember, Sarah keeps count?;) j/k )
Please come by 7:00 pm for dinner. Study will begin @ 8pm!
You are welcome to bring any drinks or fruit of your choice.
Ps. park anywhere you can find parking on the street.
Game Night!
Friday Night Feast is canceled this week due to lack of a host.
To keep the party low key and easy on the hosts, please bring one of the following :
- a special dish (not a whole meal) from your home country
- a special dessert
- drinks & fruit
Labels: Places to Go
There are several weeks coming up that we are looking for a host for FNF. Please check your schedule and if you are able to cook a meal and host (we don't mind crowding around and sitting on the floor!) please leave a comment or contact Karah!
August 21
August 28
Sept 11
October 2
October 9
October 23
Thank you all for your willingness to host, for cooking awesome food, and for being a part of FNF. It can't happen without ALL of us contributing.
Prayer requests will be coming up soon!
August 7 FNF
ChiChi is hosting this week and she promised us Zambian food!!!
Please bring some fresh fruit (grapes, bananas, apples, oranges) to contribute.
Aquila will be leading the study. Don't forget your Bibles and a notebook and pen!
"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him." I Cor. 2:9Read More......
Community Service Sabbath
Although we weren't allowed to photograph the people we served, here are some photos of the preparation before we began serving the ladies. Adey wrote a piece about her experience. Read on . . .
Read More......An Experience One Sabbath
Not very many words at all
Just another view through a different pair of eyes
I saw hurt
I saw smiles
I saw weariness
I saw joy
I saw fear
I saw concern for others
I saw pain
I saw strength
I saw endurance
I saw life
I saw the need for LIGHT
We do not know, we really do not know anything
What I saw I have seen in me
And what I do know is that WE are called to be the salt of the earth
A simple meal was served
A single act in the hands of God can change a life for eternity
We do not know, we really do not know how
Take the time to look at things in life through a different pair of eyes
And you cannot help but to know and be thankful for the fact that we serve a risen Savior
Praise God! Yanju O'
Labels: Good Times
July 31 at Tancia's!
We will be meeting and eating at Tancia house tonight. Bring a lawn chair and if it's not raining, we can meet out on the back porch!
Please bring one of the following to help out:
- drinks (soda or juice)
- fresh fruit
- a simple dessert (cookies, etc)
Looking forward to seeing you all! Read More......
FNF 7/31/09
July 24 Feast
This week Symon & Jeff are hosting with their always incredible buffet of Kenyan food straight from heaven!
Please come to enjoy fellowship, but also to truly give praise to God. This past month we have had so many answers to prayer, and God has been close to so many of us through trials. Lots to be grateful for!
Bring Your Own Bibles!
Directions for July 17-19 Camp Out
***Don't let the weather scare you. It will rain tomorrow, but clear up by Friday evening. Sunny on Sabbath & Sunday. The rain will make the river even more FUN! Bring a few warmer clothes. Low in the 50's at night.***
Directions to camping location:
View Larger Map
Suggested Camping List: Swimsuit, towel, secure shoes to wear in the water (sandals or tennis shoes), water bottle, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, camp chair, camera, Bible, bug spray, sunscreen, hat, sweatshirt (for the evening) personal snack foods, flashlight.
Here's the food we'll be eating! (we always eat like kings, don't we?!)
Camping Menu:
Friday Night - spaghetti & sauce, veggies & dip, brownies
Sabbath breakfast - sticky rice, fresh peaches, cream, scrambled eggs
Sabbath lunch - veggie, cheese & tomato sandwiches, PB & J, chips, drinks on the river
Sabbath dinner - hot dogs, chili, s'mores, chips, caramelized apples
Sunday breakfast - pancakes, eggs, applesauce, syrup, tater tots
Sunday lunch - leftovers on the river or eat out somewhere
Read More......
Labels: Places to Go
Tennessee River/Camping Trip
- The trip is a 3 hour drive from Birmingham. Please try not to arrive later than 8 or 9 pm. (directions to the site will be posted here on the blog on Thursday)
- If you are a student at UAB, you may want to consider renting a canoe, kayak or tent for an excellent price before you leave. You MUST make reservations early in the week though! Don't forget a lifejacket.
- Meals will be provided. (Friday supper, Sabbath breakfast/lunch/supper, Sunday breakfast) Usually costs between $15-20.
- You may also rent a tube, funyak or raft at the Hiawasee river through several different outfitter companies. Webb Brothers offers the best prices.
- Packing ideas: swimsuit, towel, sleeping gear, flashlight, bug spray, camera, games, clothes for cooler nights, water bottles, Bible, snack foods.
- Please contact Karah by Monday night if you are planning to go on the trip!
Read More......
Labels: Places to Go
July 10 FNF
If you are able, please bring fresh fruit. Come enjoy good food, fellowship, and lifting up our burdens and praises to the God of Heaven!