Prayer Requests to Remember

  • For all of us: strength to persevere and wisdom to know what God desires of us.
  • Toyin's mom to be safe during trip to Nigeria, and that Toyin's paper can be finished soon!
  • Cara's application to grad school!
  • Sarah's friend Cassie to find good safe housing near UAB, and health and healing for her friend Andrea
  • Leah to be able to prepare for next semester and get ahead
  • Praise from Barika for self- realization, and strength to continue to show love and kindness. Also for Mrs. Edwards to feel God's healing touch.
  • Candace that Makayla will have a safe and positive trip to her father this summer, and for her friend to continue to allow God to lead in His life.
  • Catherine's client to know that someone believes in her and to continue to stay in her treatment program.
  • Tancia's friend who is testing soon, her friend who needs to pass the BAR exam, and continued prayers for Mr. Nash as he completes his chemo and radiation.
Also, pray for our friends who weren't able to come this week. Pray that they will feel God's blessing in their lives!

Prayers are heard in heaven in proportion to our faith. Little faith gets very great mercies, but great faith still greater. -- Spurgeon

No one is a firmer believer in the power of prayer than the devil; not that he practices it, but he suffers from it. ~Guy H. King