December 28th -- For Auld Lang Syne
Hey Guys!
Last FNF of 2012 -- be there or be square!
Cook Phame's house @ 7pm
If you can bring something to share (fruit, dessert, drink, etc), it would be greatly appreciated.
We will start our special study @ 7:45pm.
See you tomorrow & God bless:)
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December 21st -- It's Ok
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Be still, and know that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in the earth. — Psalm 46:10 |
Hello Friends!
Wow, the year is winding down fast, the holidays are here and... we've only got two more Friday Night Feasts of 2012! Safe travel wishes to all who are journeying elsewhere to celebrate with loved ones but for everyone still in town...
We will meet tomorrow night at 7pm at Birmingham 1st SDA!
We will supply the spiritual bread and ask that you help supply the physical :)
Our study will begin at 7:45pm -- Zeke will lead out!
Please bring your bibles and the name of one person or situation you'd like to pray for.
This might be a bit long but I thought it was worth sharing... it's from a blog on It's about little things and resolutions...
The Little Things That Steal Your Peace
When we make resolutions, at the New Year or any other time, we tend
to focus on big commitments that we perceive will improve our lives.
Resolutions are typically new activities—things that we feel are missing from our lives or that we ought to be doing. But they also have a tendency to add to our lives. They give us new things to think about, focus on, and even worry about.
These are often very good things, and I’d never suggest that you
shouldn’t embark on a resolution, however big, that you’re passionate
about. But when it comes to cultivating your spiritual health, one thing
I’ve noticed is that it’s the accumulation of all the little concerns in our lives that most gets in the way of more Bible reading, prayer, and reflection.
Our God is a God of peace. In Psalm 46, we are told that peace and stillness are appropriate places in which to contemplate our Creator.
What are the little things—the minor habits, the small concerns, the
trivial thoughts and activities that keep your mind spinning throughout
the day, preventing your heart from settling down into a posture of
peace? What little activities or obsessions eat into your quiet time
with God, or cloud your day with a tiny bit of extra stress? What little
things can you drop out of your life next year that tug at
your mind and keep you from peace? Something that’s relatively easily
cut out of your life, whose absence would leave you with a bit of extra
energy to spend on the things that really matter?
(The rest of the article can be found in the comments section).
God Bless & see you tomorrow
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December 14th -- The Best Gifts
Hello friends,
FNF will meet tonight @ 6:30pm @ Birmingham 1st SDA church--
3520 Lorna Road, Birmingham, AL 35223.
Our study @ 7:30pm will be led by TJ! Yay! Please come on time ready to seriously pray, praise and study the bible!
If you can, please contribute by bringing drinks and fruit.
See you in a little while.
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December 7th -- P.U.S.H.
Always be joyful and never stop praying. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17
Hello Friends!
FNF will be held at Birmingham 1st SDA this Friday.
The address is 3520 Lorna Road, Birmingham, AL 35223.
We will have a POTLUCK! -- with a "Color" theme.
You can bring a side dish, sandwich, soda, soup or sweets-- whatever you'd like but here are the rules:
If your name begins with the letter A-J, your contribution has to be Red, Orange, Yellow, Brown or Pink.
If your name begins with the letter K-Z, your contribution has to be something Green, Blue, Purple, White/Beige.
Our bible study leader will be Pastor Michel! Yay!
Please bring a bible and a friend and come on time because we'll start our study promptly at 7:30pm.
A word from Aunty Ellen, Review & Herald, 10/7/1865
"Prayer is the answer to every problem in life. It puts us in tune with divine wisdom which knows how to adjust everything perfectly. So often we do not pray in certain situations because, from our standpoint, the outlook is hopeless but nothing is impossible with God.
Nothing is so entangled that it cannot be remedied. No human relationship is too strained for God to bring about reconciliation and understanding. No habit so deep rooted that it cannot be overcome; no one is so weak that he cannot be strong. No one is so ill that he cannot be healed. No mind is so dull that it cannot be made brilliant.
Whatever we need, if we trust God, He will supply it. If anything is causing worry and anxiety, let us stop rehearsing the difficulty and trust God for healing, love and power."
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November 30th -- Speak Life
Hello Friends!
Can't wait to be reunited with you all @tomorrow night's FNF @ the Lau residence!
It's big & warm enough for everyone (and a friend!) to come together for a wonderful feast @ 6:30pm.
Victor will share a special message with us @ 7:30pm so please come on time and bring your bibles!
I know you're thinking-- "Wowsers, what's with the little kid?" I dunno exactly, I just thought the photo was striking and the message (always) timely... That it is better to be known for your wise words than wisecracks. Be more loving-- to friends, family and casual acquaintances. We are family... Before I veer even further into Sister Sledge territory, I'll close this entry with a quote from EGW:
“It is not earthly rank, nor birth, nor nationality, nor religious privilege, which proves that we are members of the family of God; it is love, a love that embraces all humanity. ”
"A true Christian constantly acknowledges Christ. He is always cheerful, always ready to speak words of hope and comfort to the suffering."
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November 23rd -- In All Things...
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"... In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18 |
Happy Thanksgiving!
FNF is cancelled tomorrow -- enjoy the holiday!
The video below is one which helped me regain perspective and I hope you will enjoy it also.
See you next week -- God Bless!
Labels: FNF
November 16th -- Fully Committed
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"The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." 2 Chronicles 16:9 |
Bom Dia Meus Amigos!
(I typed that in my best Frederico voice :)
This Friday's FNF should be super fun... We've got new hosts and a new study leader!
We'll meet at 6:30pm @ Birmingham 1st SDA for a feast prepared by Samuel & Shirley Salazar-- yay!
They've got a delicious dinner planned and ask only that we bring beverages.
The address to the church is 3520 Lorna Road, Birmingham, AL 35216.
Our bible study will be led by... Candeis -- woot woot!
She's got a powerful message for all the commitment-phobes taken from 2 Chronicles 16 and entitled "Commit Like Your Life Depends On It."
I look forward to the Sabbath (it's been a long week) and hope to see you all.
Here's a lyrics video to a song that I love. The song is probably based on Candeis' scripture-- and is by a group called Forever Jones. Like to hear it? Here it goes!
God bless you!
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Here's a lyrics video to a song that I love. The song is probably based on Candeis' scripture-- and is by a group called Forever Jones. Like to hear it? Here it goes!
Labels: FNF
November 9th -- Heart and Soil
Hello Friends!
Tonight's FNF will be held at Chichi's place.
We will have a Pizza Party/Potluck at 6:30pm.
Chichi will provide pizza and we'll need others to chip in and contribute by bringing plates, drinks, napkins and whatever side dishes you can to augment our feast!
Our study leader for the evening is Luke!
Please bring a bible, a friend, your dish and come on time because we'll start our study promptly at 7:30pm!
Feel free to take a sneak peek at the notes for tonight's study-- I will include all of them in the comments section but here's a preview:
"Many years ago, in a Moscow theater, matinee idol Alexander Rostovzev was converted while playing the role of Jesus in a sacrilegious play entitled Christ in a Tuxedo. He was supposed to read two verses from the Sermon on the Mount, remove his gown, and cry out, “Give me my tuxedo and top hat!”
But as he read the words, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matt. 5:3, 4), he began to tremble. Instead of keeping to the script, he kept on reading from Matthew 5, ignoring the coughs, calls, and foot-stomping of the other actors. Finally, recalling a verse he had learned in his childhood in a Russian Orthodox church, he cried, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom” (Luke 23:42). Before the curtain could be lowered, Rostovzev had trusted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior.
God throws His Word in the most unlikely places in order to try to save as many of His wayward children as He can. We often limit the scattering of God’s Word by underestimating its power.
While Christ came to scatter seeds of truth to human hearts, He also calls us to sow seeds of truth in human hearts. Sowing seeds of truth is not always easy, as Christ’s life revealed to us. Ellen White wrote, “He left His home of security and peace, left the glory that He had with the Father before the world was, left His position upon the throne of the universe. He went forth a suffering, tempted man; went forth in solitude, to sow in tears, to water with His blood, the seed of life for a world lost.”
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Labels: FNF
November 2nd -- Our Sovereign Leader
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For the Scriptures say that God told Pharaoh, "I have appointed you for the very purpose of displaying my power in you and to spread my fame throughout the earth." Romans 9:17 |
Hello Friends!
FNF will be hosted by the three amigos -- Eliel, Ezekiel and Victor this week.
We will start with our feast at 6:30pm.
The guys ask that we please bring juice and dessert to help out.
Our study will begin at 7:30pm.
I know we said we'd discuss bald men and bears last week but now I'm leaning towards donkeys :)
For the last two weeks we've had awesome participation and our bible discussions averaged nearly two hours. I hope you all will bring a friend, a bible and come on time so that we can wrap up by 9:30pm.
See you tomorrow!
Sorry, almost forgot prayer requests --
Symon -- unspoken
Trudy -- testifying of God's faithfulness with interview. Praying for classmate whose husband left her and their kids.
Brian -- thankful for study group and Emma's attendance :)
Kirsten -- praying for jobs in TX for both her and TJ; also praying that her certification will be accepted there. Praying that TJ does well in school at Southwestern and that God provides housing and that everything works to His greater good.
Victor -- praying for guidance and direction in life and for anxieties.
Everyone -- guidance and direction in life and anxieties.
Gratuitous Scripture Break: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Phil 4:6-7
TJ -- Praying that God guides us all into His truth and that the Holy Spirit will mend strained friendships and show us how to reach out to friends who are hurting.
Tancy -- thankful that mom's second ultrasound didn't show another cancerous area.
Caitlin -- praying for peace for her and her family as she continues to battle pancreatic cancer.
Frederico -- praying for friend with a shoulder injury.
Marcus -- praying for injured ankle.
Doreen -- praying for peace and comfort for family of Christabel and James -- Christabel lost her mother.
Vuyo -- praying for families of the Elyton village kids. Guidance and opportunities to reach out to kids and parents.
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The Lord frustrates the plans of the nations and thwarts all their schemes. But the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; His intentions can never be shaken.
What joy for the nation whose God is the Lord whose people He has chosen as His inheritance! Psalm 33:10-11
Labels: FNF, Prayer Requests
October 26th -- Amorite or am I right?
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Please read the NLT version of Psalms 73. The whole thing. It's great. Click HERE. |
T.G.I.F Good people!
ACHTUNG! This last minute post shall be LONG.
FNF Potluck @ Birmingham 1st SDA tonight @ 6:30pm.
3520 Lorna Road, Birmingham, AL 35216
3520 Lorna Road, Birmingham, AL 35216
I'll endeavor to recreate Carmen Lau's delicioso potato curry soup and hope you guys will provide everything else.
Please write in the chat box to the left if you can bring any of the following:
Bowls & spoons -- these are important!
Bread or crackers
Side dishes
We'll have part two of our study "Ahab Buys the Farm" @7:30pm.
Please come and bring a friend and a bible.
Here are the prayer requests from last week:
Trudy -- classmate struggling with loss/abandonment of husband; praying for her and their kids.
Chichi -- praying for patience and better time management.
Camille/Tanci -- mom's breast cancer diagnosis
Brian -- thankful for bible study
Marcus -- praying for ankle (healing and returned full range of motion)
Frederico -- friend Artur's mom's death; praying for the family's strength & comfort
Lots of unspoken prayer requests and requests for prayer for important life decisions and health.
Finally, to close out our October Memm (this is how it should be spelled) Month... I present to you the rejects, or, the honorable mentions. I couldn't make these work for the month but thought they were funny anyway.
See you tonight!
Labels: FNF, Prayer Requests
October 19th -- Finally Brethren...
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Having one of those kinds of weeks... |
Hello Friends!
So, this week's been interesting. I'm beyond ready for the election to be over so there can be at least a semblance of civility again AND I got some bad news that made me realize I still have a ways to go with my prayer life. Don't know about you but when things are going ok, I can pray easily. When things matter, however, my brain freezes and I have to count on Romans 8:26-28.
So! Really quick before I start piling on the memes and encouraging bible verses... let's discuss this week's POTLUCK! @ Birmingham 1st SDA @ 6:30pm. Since the "main event" is the bible study, we will have a Tailgating themed feast! Pretend it's the Superbowl and bring whatever you'd bring to a get together with friends. This can include:
Chips & Dips
Hummus/Peanut Butter & veggies
Drinks & cups
Little sandwiches
Fake meatballs
Vegan Rotel
Fruit and/or Salad
Little plates, napkins, forks
Whatever you'd like, really.
We will start the bible study @ 7:30pm. Seriously :)
Best scriptures I've read this week: Philippians 4:4-14 and Romans 8 especially verses 18-38
Always be glad because of the Lord! I will say it again: Be glad. Always be gentle with others. The Lord will soon be here. Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then,
because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that
no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way
you think and feel.
my friends, keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy,
friendly, and proper. Don’t ever stop thinking about what is truly
worthwhile and worthy of praise. You
know the teachings I gave you, and you know what you heard e say and
saw me do. So follow my example. And God, who gives peace, will be with
certain ways we are weak, but the Spirit is here to help us. For
example, when we don’t know what to pray for, the Spirit prays for us in
ways that cannot be put into words. All
of our thoughts are known to God. He can understand what is in the mind
of the Spirit, as the Spirit prays for God’s people. We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves Him. They are the ones God has chosen for His purpose for them.
Finally bredrin... some funny stuff. Love and the Christian dating experience-- through memes.
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Remember those days.... oh the horrors :) |
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Kinda lame, right? |
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Tsk, tsk... Letter to my younger self: Shame on you. |
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So, then the girl gets serious about Jesus and... |
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... BOOM! She meets her match! |
Feel free to come to FNF and make jokes about this post if you'd like :) See you Friday. God bless!
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October 12th -- True Inspiration
G'day mates! I'm so excited to announce our host for this week:
The Lau Family!
The Lau's are wonderful hosts who've allowed us to use their home for praise nights, bible studies, communion services-- you name it:) and you won't want to miss FNF @ 6:30pm.
The address and directions are as follows:
We will continue our theme of studying the SS lesson-- this week's topic is "Revelation, and the God Revealed in It."
Please click on the link, read over it and come prepared to bring new ideas into the study. I'm so thankful to God for providing a ram in the bush named "Zeke" last Friday-- he led a great discussion on the Great Controversy and this week we'll have Marcus helping to guide our study. Yay!
Hope to see you tomorrow night-- in the corny words of my good friend Dianna-- "God bless your socks off!"
#MemeMonth #October #FNF #no,wedon'thaveFNFtwitter #2ndRunnerUp
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All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness..." 2 Timothy 3:16 |
Labels: FNF
October 5th -- Memes, Rap & October Already?!
Hey Peeps!
So I'm a little late but I've fallen in love with memes. They crack me up and I found a website with a ton of Christian ones so, the month of October, in addition to being Breast Cancer/Domestic Violence/Rett Syndrome/Squirrel Awareness month, will be "FNF Meme month". We'll start with the one above which kind of relates to the bible study last Friday and ties into a song by a rapper that I wanted to introduce.
LeCrae is a crae-zy skilled Christian lyricist from Houston. He just released an album last month but I started listening to his old stuff from YouTube and I'm in love with the words to his songs. The beats are ok-- a lot of Dirty South, heavy bass anthems that encourage you to Go Hard for Jesus & get crunk (yay-yuh!) ... this song is a little more mellow and reads like an urban prayer to Christ for daily sanctification:
If I haven't totally offended you by including both Dos Equis bottles & Babylon wannabe music on the FNF blog, then I'll go ahead and get to the point of the post:
FNF will meet @ Birmingham 1st SDA this Friday evening @ 6:30pm.
The address is 3520 Lorna Road, Birmingham, AL 35216
Since we're having our "feasts" on Fridays and "soup" on Saturday mornings, for the next 8 weeks we will use FNF to study our Sabbath School lessons. Here's a LINK!so you can read up and come prepared to participate like never before :)
We'll have a Taco Soup potluck -- we'll supply the taco soup but need your help with sides.
Please write in the chat box to the left of the website if you can bring one of the following:
Tortilla chips
Sour Cream
Green onions/Tomatoes
Napkins/Forks/Plates/Bowls/Spoons/Cups -- this stuff's important!
Fruit or dessert
I think that's it-- please come early so we can all share in the goodness of the food and also allow time to discuss plans for Saturday morning's Soup project. God Bless & hope you have a wonderful week!
Sheesh-- this is long.
Prayer/ Testimonies
Eliel -- praying for uncle who is sick and awaiting a kidney transplant.
Tancy -- praying for grandfather's continued recovery
Kirk -- praying for niece's hypertensive husband. Gave thanks for CT scan that came back normal!
Victor -- thankful for the Sabbath. Unspoken.
Chichi -- unspoken
Praying for those who are looking for employment.
Praying for the kids' program and good weather.
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Labels: FNF, Prayer Requests
September 28th -- Second Mile, Second Nature
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Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away. Matthew 5:41-42 |
Hello Friends!
TGIF, indeed!
This FNF blog post is dedicated to all you lovely people who truly show the character of Jesus by "going the second mile".
Speaking specifically of FNF, please believe I understand that it isn't easy to prepare a bible study for such an intelligent and lively group-- especially when I often end up asking you at the last minute. Similarly, our Friday Night "feasts" are often unpublicized miracles on a slightly smaller scale than the 2 fish/5 loaves story.
I just want you to know that you are all appreciated and that, to those who've never experienced/given into the crazy compulsion to spend time or money that you don't have for something that is for God, you're truly missing out on a real blessing.
FNF will be at KT's home!
We'll start the physical feast at 6:30pm and the study at 7:30pm.
Please come on time as, all I can say is, there will be yummy plantain and TVs involved :)
God bless & see you tomorrow evening!
Labels: FNF
September 21st -- Life Precious Gift (Potluck!)
Hello friends,
This week we will have another potluck at Birmingham 1st SDA.
Our study leader for the evening will be... Victor! (woot woot!)
We'll do an Italian night/ Spaghetti themed potluck with a salad, bread & dessert as sides.
Please indicate in the chat box to the left of the screen what you'll be able to contribute:
Marinara/Alfredo/fancy pesto do-it-yourself-sauce!
Vegetable side (brocolli, corn, carrots, asparagus, etc)
Bread (Texas toast/french bread, etc)
Cups/plates/forks, etc.
I will update this post as I receive updates.
Thanks & God bless.
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Prayer for Matt's Family & Friends
This week we're praying for:
The family and friends of Matt Bosley who died last Friday of a heart attack. Matt was a wonderful friend and the consummate FNF-er: a lover of God, nature, fun, food, movies & campfire Mafia. We came to know him through his relationship with his best friends, Tre' & Karah Thompson and grieve with them and others at his unexpected death.
There have been other recent, sad developments in the past few weeks and, as I read some of the posts left on Matt's wall by hurting friends, they summed up so eloquently how I've been feeling for awhile now. Here's the last one by Elisa R. As you read it, think not only about friends and loved ones who are no longer with us, but also think about people in your immediate sphere of influence who might be depressed, lonely or struggling with important decisions who could use a listening ear or advice or an invitation to lunch.
",,,Matt had this ability to be sincere and
honest with his thoughts and feelings, he may not have always had a
filter, but he was ALWAYS heartfelt. In that spirit, I'll forgo
appropriate for honesty. I can't say bye or write you a beautiful eulogy
because I don't UNDERSTAND what or how or why he was taken like this. I
am angry for him - this IS unfair. He deserved better. I wish I could
wake up on Thursday and change this chain
of events, or call, or see him, or be there.
I wish I had gone to hang
out every time I was too moody/busy/lazy. I wish I had called more. I
wish I had taken more pictures. I wish I had more time and used it
wisely. I wish I could debate/argue/ bargain with someone to bring Matt
back.... I am so angry for
every second that I don't remember because I thought I would have
another one.... I cannot tie up this post in a bow of a clichés and silver linings. Grieving is grieving.
However, this loss has forced me to look at my loved ones with more tenderness and patience and appreciation - sometimes we need to re evaluate where our time is spent: Desk vs. Home. TV vs. Friend. Game vs. Talking... Sometimes we need to be a lil more like Matt and text someone and say "Coffee?"
Love you guys.
The prayer requests from last Friday night are located under the "Past Prayers & Testimonies" tab to the right of the screen.
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November 2011, Railroad Park visit |
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June 2010, FNF family at Tre's graduation |
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June 2010, Tre' trying to show some love to his best friend. |
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November 2011, Taj India after stuffing ourselves on a Diwali feast. |
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July 2009, Chattanooga -- Tubing Fun |
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Sloss Furnace 2011 photo shoot -- Making Karah LOL, not CIS |
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Railroad Park 2011-- Just having fun |
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October 2009, FNF @Angela's ... Before Gen & Rose, there were Tre' & Matt. |
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July 2009 -- FNF Camping/Tubing group photo |
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Labels: FNF, Prayer Requests
September 14th -- Be Reconciled
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“So when you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother and sister, and then come and offer your gift.” Matthew 5:23-24 |
Hey peeps,
We will have a pizza /ice cream themed feast tonight @Birmingham 1st SDA church.
Our study will begin at 7:45pm and will be led by Vuyo (thanks Vuyo)!
As mentioned last week, we will need your participation to make tonight a blessing. We will use FNF funds to supply 5 large pizzas from Papa Johns. They will most likely be the vegetarian option, the spinach Alfredo option, a plain cheese & some combination with pineapple.
We will need a few people to contribute to a simple salad, ice cream, toppings, cones & drinks.
Please indicate what you can help with in the chatbox to the left of the page.
The pizza will be there by 6:45pm. We will go ahead and impose a 2-slice limit initially to ensure that as many people as possible can have some.
I signed up for this 40 Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer-thing on and it's been a blessing. I wanted to share with you Day 35's message as an inspirational reading of sorts:
"Thus there remains only one path for those who in following Jesus want
to truly serve God in worship, and that is the path of reconciliation
with their sisters and brothers. Anyone who comes to the word and
sacrament with an unreconciled heart stands judged by doing so. Such a
person is a murderer in God’s sight. That is why you must “first be
reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your
gift.” It is a difficult path Jesus imposes on his disciples. It
includes much humiliation and dishonor for the disciples themselves. But
it is the path to him, our crucified brother, and thus, it is a path
full of grace. In Jesus, service to the least brother or sister and
service to God became one. He went and was reconciled to his human
kindred, and then he came and offered himself, the one true sacrifice,
to his Father.
Psalm Fragment
O guard my life, and deliver me;
do not let me be put to shame, for I take refuge in you.
May integrity and uprightness preserve me,
for I wait for you. Psalm 25:20-21
Journal Reflections
- Is there someone with whom you need to be reconciled? Write about the circumstances that led to alienation from this person.
- What step(s) might you take to begin the process of reconciliation?
Gracious God, thank you for reconciling me to yourself; now make me a reconciler.
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